(a guy is walking by the TV screen when the announcer guy comes on)
Announcer: hey you!
Guy: who me?
Announcer: yes you, do you have unprotected sex?
Guy: what the fuck???
Announcer: why don’t you try the new Jimiscokfick Mycomnisory arm pit hair straightner? It will straighten your armpit hair in no time flat!
Guy: who the fuck wants that?
Announcer: .5% of the world does! Don’t you want to be part of that .5%?
Guy: …
Announcer: It;’s also proven to cause cancer and HIV and instant death, but WHO CARES? you’ll die with straight armpit hair!
Guy: umm..i gotta go, bye…
The Announcer takes out a taser and tasers the guy until he falls down.
Announcer: see? the Jimiscokfick Mycomnisory arm pit hair straightner could have prevented that!
The guy is twitching on the ground.
Announcer: buy it now…before i kill you…seriously…