Why is it this world Can’t see
What it’s like from my eyes
People yell at me for doing my best
People hate me for being me
Can’t they see
I am just being me?
Is it so hard to accept people
I don’t know why it is
I accept everyone I can
Does anyone care
I dont know
This world is so sad
It’s like a flower diing away
Why Can’t they see
This world will end with hatred and depression
Is god out there
Then why cant he help me
I dont see him in my dreams, in my prayers
He’s never by my side
Is he there?
People hate me for who I am
People hate people for how they look
Is it so hard to accept people that It’s a pain to do
Why can’t people see through my eyes
I see it so clear
Everyone hates me
And It’s the sad truth
I thought I had friends in this world
But I don’t
Alls the are is people.
Can’t they see through my eyes
Can’t they see the pains I go through
Is it fair to them to not even know me
I do not know
It’s sad how this world is
It’s like noone cares
It’s really sad
Cant people understand
It’s so sad…