L Perihelion: I am your god
davepoobond: sure ya are
L Perihelion: Squakle my cackle
davepoobond: unh hunh
L Perihelion: your site got my mom mad
davepoobond: why
L Perihelion: something about it being overly pornographic
davepoobond: unh hunh…
L Perihelion: You should make it so the words aren’t so seductive
davepoobond: i’m sorry, but tell ur mom to get a life
davepoobond: its the way of the future man, love it or die
L Perihelion: coming from the guy who annoys people for fun…
davepoobond: and your point being?
L Perihelion: point? Im kinda well rounded
davepoobond: that’s pretty funny there
davepoobond: where’d you come up with that? your mom help you?
L Perihelion: no
L Perihelion: Classical music and heavy metal makes the mind go far
davepoobond: i do listen to heavy metal
L Perihelion: Yes, you also have to listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn solos 2 hours straight every day
L Perihelion: it gets your juices going
davepoobond: he’s jazz, not heavy metal
L Perihelion: your point being?
L Perihelion: thats why I said also
L Perihelion: you think I have time to make my words and phrases flow?
davepoobond: i do
davepoobond: honk honk
L Perihelion: Am I you?
davepoobond: whizzle whizzle
L Perihelion: I pee on thee
davepoobond: so what are you iming for
L Perihelion: not much
davepoobond: not much eh. so then what is it then.
L Perihelion: what’s 2+2?
davepoobond: 😀
davepoobond: its a smilie face
L Perihelion: Nope
L Perihelion: it’s 5
L Perihelion: obviously you need to go to the ministry of love
davepoobond: and you need to play a game of Yu-Gi-Oh
L Perihelion: Yu gi oh?
L Perihelion: I dont like cards
L Perihelion: but i do enjoy consuming them for their imortal powers
L Perihelion: For example, the staple blue black beiger eyed dragon has the power of poo
davepoobond: what the hell are you talking about
L Perihelion: ???
L Perihelion: Im sorry, but I am only a bot lost in a sundry of worlds