Tag Archives: stupid story

Dan’s Claustrophobia

Dan suffers from claustrophobia. This fear has begun to interfere with his job and other parts of his life. A marine biologist, Dan could study below the ocean’s surface much more efficiently if he weren’t afraid to go underwater in small submarines. He decides early in life he was accidentally trapped inside a small cave while playing with friends.

Instead of psychoanalysis, Dan may choose behavioral therapy. Rather than focusing on the cause of his problem, the therapist will try to change his habit of avoiding small, enclosed places. The therapist will use behavior modification to help Dan face his fears. The therapist may help Dan learn to be in a small room, and try to relax at the same time. By repeating this many times, Dan learns to link small places with relaxation. Dan may also learn to feel proud each time he enters a small room without being afraid and may reward himself with small treats.

Happily Married?

Allan and Janice had been married for 8 years. They had two children and nearly everyone thought they were happily married. But Janice didn’t think so. Allan often became violent with her and the children after he had been drinking alcohol. She couldn’t trust him with the children and often he spent all the family’s money on liquor. Janice felt she had to have some time to herself to sort out the problems. Their marriage counselor suggested Allan and Janice live apart for a few weeks.

Sean’s Breakfast

Sean wanted a quick breakfast so he bought a box of Honey-Wheat Flakes instant cereal. Wheat is nutritious and honey is better for you than cane sugar, he thought. But when he read the food label at home, he saw that the first ingredient in the cereal was actually sugar. Honey was fourth on the list. The wheat in the cereal was really enriched wheat rather than whole wheat. The cereal didn’t seem so nutritious after all. Next time, Sean thought, I’ll read the label before I buy the product.

Lesson For Life

During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one:


“What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”


Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?


I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.


“Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say ‘hello’.”


I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I’ve also never forgotten her name was Dorothy.

Hang Onto Each Other

Too often we feel alone. But there is always someone ready to take our hand. There is a beautiful story of an overworked nurse who escorted a tired, young man to her patient’s bedside. Leaning over and speaking loudly to the elderly patient, she said, “Your son is here.”


With great effort, his unfocussed eyes opened, then flickered shut again. The young man squeezed the aged hand in his and sat beside the bed. Throughout the night he sat there, holding the old man’s hand and whispering words of comfort.


By morning’s light, the patient had died. In moments, hospital staff swarmed into the room to turn off machines and remove needles. The nurse stepped over to the young man’s side and began to offer sympathy, but he interrupted her.


“Who was that man?” he asked.


The startled nurse replied, “I thought he was your father!” “No, he was not my father”, he answered. I never saw him before in my life.” “Then, why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”


“I realized he needed his son and his son wasn’t here”, the man explained. “And since he was too sick to recognize that I was not his son, I knew he needed me.”


Mother Teresa used to remind us that nobody should have to die alone. Likewise, nobody should have to grieve alone or cry alone either. Or laugh alone or celebrate alone.


We are made to travel life’s journey hand in hand. There is someone ready to grasp your hand today. And someone hoping you will take theirs. Remember To Hang On To One Another!

Dominant Genes

Mr. Oliver has curly hair, which is dominant trait (C). Mrs. Oliver also has curly hair. Mr. Oliver has two dominant genes (Cc) and Mrs. Oliver has one dominant gene and one recessive gene (Cc), their child might have either combination, CC or Cc. Because there are no cc or straight hair combinations, all their children will have curly hair.

Mr. Kim is tall, which is a dominant trait (T). Mrs. Kim is short, which is recessive trait (t). Mr. Kim has two recessive genes (tt).

Mr. Sandez has green eyes, which is a recessive trait (b). Mrs. Sandez has brown eyes, which is a dominant trait (B). Mr. Sandez has two recessive genes (bb) and Mr. Sandez has two dominant genes (BB)

Family Ties

It is 1960. Lawrence and Madeleine are married and have no children. Suzanne and Bill are married and have two children, Jeff (a child from Bill’s previous marriage) and Abbey. In 1961, Madeleine dies, and Suzanne and Bill divorce. Suzanne gets custody of Abbey; Bill gets custody of Jeff.

In 1965, Lawrence marries Suzanne and adopts Abbey. A few years later, Lawrence and Suzanne have 2 daughters, Christine and Cynthia. Bill also remarried, and he and his wife, Margaret, have 2 songs, Thomas and Bill Jr.

In 1975, Suzanne dies

In 1980, Lawrence marries Karen. Abbey and her husband of two years have their first child.

In 1982, Karen and Lawrence have twins, Janet and Jeanine.

In 1985, all of the “relatives” gather for Lawrence’s funeral.