Where was the U.S. Army, Navy and…

“go go power rangers!”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
“its Morphin time!”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
“well, meet mah kids!”
::ooze guys rise from the ground::
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“what? you spent 2000 years looking for a tub of snot?”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“leap to our doom!”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“I’ll set a course for outer space”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“go get him Boogerman!!”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
::ooze slaps on the windshield::
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“one order of toasted ooze coming up”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“long live! the king of oooooooze!”
::high five::
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“what is this? pick on the Frog day?”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“oh no. aiyaiyaiyaiyai. please hold on, Zordon!”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“we don’t have our powers, but we’re still the Power Rangers”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
“you guys make me sick sick sick sick sick!”
::kicks a guy with every “sick”::
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)