Tag Archives: NickKnack

Don’t Ever Miss the Toilet

Ok, everybody at one point in their life aimed for the toilet and missed. But where does it go? I’ll tell you…

First it lands on the floor, and even if you try to wipe it up, theres still a little left. Then it seeps into floor where rats lick it up. Then the rats mutate and grow bigger and more human like, and then they blend in to our society doing evil things. Don’t give me that look! Its true! Proof? Well, look at President Bush… he’s an evil pee rat, and hes only the president because of all the evil pee rats in Florida. Now tell me I’m wrong!

Marshmellows: The Cure to Anthrax

Marshmellows are the cure to anthrax. “But surely, that can’t be possible!” you say. But yes it is! And don’t call me Shirley. Anyways, any time it snows its anthrax falling from the sky. When little kids eat it they get anthrax. Then they go inside and drink their hot cocoa with marshmellows and they’re better. Coinsidence? I think not…