Eminouie: Hello
Censored Name: um, hi
Censored Name: Who is this?
Eminouie: I’m a dude who wants to chat?
Censored Name: ok…
Censored Name: How’d you get my s/n?
Eminouie: A chatroom silly.
Censored Name: the nsync one?
Eminouie: Absolutley. Thaz like the only good one. LoL
Censored Name: yeah, N SYNC rulzz!
Censored Name: Whos your fav?
Eminouie: Ummm
Eminouie: Like JT. Did you see the Bye Bye Bye video.
Eminouie: OMG OMG OMG
Censored Name: Who hasn’t seen the bye bye bye video?
Censored Name: yes, i did
Censored Name: i like lance
Censored Name: :o)
Eminouie: Yeah he was on the Millionier show
Eminouie: I taped it and watched it over and over
Eminouie: OMG OMG OMG
Censored Name: me too! I love how he said all these words in his lil mississippian accent
Eminouie: Yeah I know!!
Eminouie: OMG OMG OMG
Censored Name: You like typing OMG!
Eminouie: I’m gonna have to go but I haf like like like the greatest time talking OOOOKKKK.
Eminouie: OMG OMG OMG
Censored Name: bye