frinch – n. 62 rubber bands addicted to Ecstasy
Tag Archives: drugs
darva – v. to snort crack at school during a test
dapedink – v. to put LSD into coffee
clinton – n. a lying horny ass 70 year old who was elected president.
Ex. Oh my god they just elected a clinton!
;} any dumbass that smokes so much dope he doesn’t know what “is” means.
Ex. Is that my dick in your mouth, Monica?
bingham – n. a drugged up pig in England
bacteriamab – n. bacteria on drugs
ayso – v. to fall off a cliff while on drugs
arjoo – n. a talking squirrel that gives drugs to republicans
Squackle Guestbook #20441
AOL Censor | | 29/Aug/2000:15:04:06 |
This site should be disbanded due to content unexplanible to the human eye. This sight shows cruelty to AOL members and should be disbanded. This sight also shows signs of homosexualty and drug-dealing, which is not permitted under AOL law 450 section C. Blunts and Bitches are not to be passed around either, see law 450 section d. You people should seek mental help. Law 450 sections A+B state that any body immitating Eminem and Dr. Dre shall be bitch slapped with an ugly stick. Thank you for your time. Love, P.S. I had a great time last night, Dave |