Tag Archives: Delta9 Games

Master of the Six Magics (PC) Review

Developer: Delta9 Games

  Master of the Six Magics (PC) (734.6 KiB, 1,153 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.


This is a semi-original kind of game, reminiscent of tetris and the matching part of memory without the memory thing


The graphics aren’t especially great, but they accomplish what they need to be, and its not like they’re an eyesore. Its easy to tell them apart, and I guess that’s kind of important for this game.


There was a delightful one song soundtrack that I must buy.


Point and drag. It was simple enough. The instructions are kind of confusing I think. Basically, you have to drag the squares into a straight line of 3 or more. The most possible is 6 but you’ll find yourself (or at least I did) trying to get the 3 in a rows instead of the more in a rows, because blocks keep falling down, and you need to get more space for them.

Crappiest Part:

While this is kind of a fun game, there isn’t much to it, like increasing difficulty levels or something like that.

Overall Score:

This is a mix of a couple things, and I think that it was good for the idea. There weren’t any annoying things that hindered playing, but this isn’t anything better than an average game.


  Master of the Six Magics (PC) (734.6 KiB, 1,153 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.

Game Maker Poker (PC) Review

Developer: Delta9 Games

  Game Maker Poker (PC) (565.2 KiB, 1,208 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.


A basic poker game…whoopee


Uhh…they look like they were copy and pasted from solitaire…


No music. boooooo. I wanna listen to some tunes while i gamble off my imaginary money!


eh. Its poker, what do you expect..

Crappiest Part:

That damn rainbow colored cursor!

Overall Score:

This is a poker game, I don’t know what much more you can expect from it. I give it a:


  Game Maker Poker (PC) (565.2 KiB, 1,208 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.

Arena (PC) Review

Developer: Delta9 Games

  Arena (PC) (2.5 MiB, 1,941 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.


A space shooter-type game, where you have a ship that looks like a bat, and you go around trying to kill another person (that is playing too, on your keyboard)


The graphics are nothing great, I have no idea what the hell the ship is really supposed to be…are there fangs on it?


The title screen music is annoying. But the in-game music is better, and sets “a mood” that you would want to have.


The control scheme is a bit weird to get the hang of at first, since you go kinda fast for the little amount of space you really have to go in before you have to make a turn, and you bounce off walls, so it might take you about 4 minutes to get out of a dead end corner….

Crappiest Part:

How you have to have someone with you when playing this game. If the other ship had an AI or something, it’d be fun to play…or some random enemies flying around. There should be a one player mode, i guess is what i’m trying to say.

Overall Score:

This game does have a little fun to it, even if you do play alone. I give it a:


  Arena (PC) (2.5 MiB, 1,941 hits)

Game by Delta9 Games, made with Game Maker.