Q: How does Santa Claus know he’s at a Jewish house?
A: Parking meters on the roof.
The whole Joke archive. Tons of jokes!
Q: How does Santa Claus know he’s at a Jewish house?
A: Parking meters on the roof.
Q: What did the Jewish father say when his son asked him for twenty dollars?
A: “Fifteen dollars? What do you need ten dollars for?
Q: Why did the Jewish wander in the desert for 40 years?
A: Someone dropped a quarter.
Q: What should you do before a Jewish dentist puts you under?
A: Hide your wallet.
Q: What do you call a Mexican without a lawn mower?
A: Unemployed
Q: Why do white people go to black peoples garage sales?
A: To get their shit back.
Q: Why don’t you run over a black guys bike?
A: Because it’s probably yours.
Q: How do asian parents name their kids?
A: They throw a bunch of pots and pans down the stairs.
Q: What is the definition of black power?
A: Four black people pushing a stolen car up a hill.
Q: There is an apartment with three families in it. A black family lives at the top, a white family lives in the middle and a mexican family lives at the bottom. A tornado hit the apartment, which family survived?
A: The white family, they were all at work.
Q: Why are fags always buried 12 feet under?
A: Cause deep down they’re good people.
Q: Why are black people so fast?
A: All the slow ones are in jail.
Q: Four gay guys walk into a bar, only one bar stool to sit on, how do they all sit down?
A: They turn the stool over.
Q: Three gay guys are in a jacuzzi and a condom floats to the top. What do they say?
A: “who farted?”
Q: Why is it so hard to find white racist jokes?
A: Cause being white is bad enough