billip – n. a store manager that bones gay grocery staff at Woolworths.
Ex. Bill just billipped Matthew C.
These are the words from the Squackle dictionary.
billip – n. a store manager that bones gay grocery staff at Woolworths.
Ex. Bill just billipped Matthew C.
biinija – n. a baby born through the buttox. Also known as Anal Baby, Rectum Child, Shit Sibling, and “Constipated in an Ass for 9 months” Kid…
Ex. I was not born through the vagina like you were, I was a biinija.
bigwat – n. a bisexual gwat
;} a big gwat <see gwat>
Bigfoot – n. a bum in a fur coat (also known as Sasquatch and Yeti)
bigfathead – n. a big dummy.
Ex. Judd and Ryan are bigfatheads
bige – n. a director of Special Ed.
bifkin – n. a choad wig (a wig for one’s gooch) <see choad and gooch>
bierstadt – v. to say “come on 5 minutes” over and over, while squeezing someone’s tit each time
bierce – v. to swim in football gear
bidibab – v. to put a vacuum cleaner away
Bic – n. a company that makes pens and pencils in France
bible basher’s slang – n. a group of slang words that relate to Christianity and the bible.
Ex. Goddam, no chance in hell, for God sakes, to hell with it, hallelujah praise the lord, good lord, go to hell, holy Moses, Jesus Christ, good heavens, Christ sakes etc……
bible basher – n. someone who comes to your door with a bible, asking you about the church or whatever. This person believes in Christianity.
Ex. A bunch of bible bashers knocked on my door the other day wanting me to become Christian, I told them to piss off.
bibed – v. to melt chalk
biastard – n. a cool way to say bastard