elmoisfurry's font (15.9 KiB, 1,900 hits)
made by stimpyismyname, you can type like elmoisfurry writes...which is somehow legible...har har...
elmoisfurry's font (15.9 KiB, 1,900 hits)
made by stimpyismyname, you can type like elmoisfurry writes...which is somehow legible...har har...
stimpyismyname | 13/Jul/2001:18:39:51 | |
hey!!!!!!!!!!! looka me!!!!!!!!!!!!! i suck monkey balls!!!!!!!! im also a stupid idiot head!!!!!! ::takes his eye out with a spoon, puts it into some lucky charms, and eats it:: ow! |
stimpyismyname | squackle | 04/Jun/2001:10:22:21 |
hey, play pso!! my name is dingo! ok! bye! |
stimpyismyname | squackle | 24/May/2001:10:42:20 |
it’s nice to know we have fans… even if they hate our site. but squackle LIVES!! IT STILL LIVESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! ….click on the sponsors….. |
davepoobond | squackle (what else?) | 15/Mar/2001:20:23:21 |
hi, this is squackle. my…..life. dum de dum. |