“fyxjukicwawzbalssmyfamily loves to take cheese and throw it at neighbors, so fuck you assface moomooquackquack”
– elmoisfurry
“fyxjukicwawzbalssmyfamily loves to take cheese and throw it at neighbors, so fuck you assface moomooquackquack”
– elmoisfurry
This string of quotes are related to each other because davepoobond and elmoisfurry went into a “quote-off” against each other, writing down all the things they said/did for a class period during Health class with Mrs. Stickums. It was a really shitty class and there wasn’t much else to do.
“what? quote-off?
“ah…bastard. not again”
“…can erase”
“I never said that, stupid!”
“yeah, I know which one it is, dumbass”
::coughs and puts his head down::
::smells his arm::
“a little dabby doo”
“let me dab a lil’ on you”
“comon ::snap snap snap::”
“comon, let’s finish this crap”
“stop writing everything I say”
“friggin paperatzi”
“its paperatzi, right there stupid”
“what was that? rooof?”
“rooof? I didn’t say that”
::shakes his head::
“I’m not gonna move at all”
::holds his hand to his mouth::
“what’s so funny?”
“what? laugh?”
“oh my god”
“a little dab will do ya”
“examine the eye”
“I said rrr…rr…rr”
“it was quiet, and all of a sudden”
::leans back and imitates davepoobond, yawning and laughing all of a sudden::
“that’s really yawn, ho”
“I’m quote-writer today”
After this elmoisfurry started doing the same thing to davepoobond.
“nipples make the world go ’round”
– elmoisfurry
“Matrix was on T.V. last night, …Neo kicked ass like no otha! Brotha!”
– elmoisfurry
::imitating Mrs. Stickums::
“I E I’m a dumbass”
– elmoisfurry
“crap, I say…crap crap!”
– elmoisfurry
“I already got a page in 5, 10 minutes”
– elmoisfurry
“the bag is in the x”
– elmoisfurry
::talking to davepoobond::
“the more you pose, the more I stab”
– elmoisfurry
– elmoisfurry
“don’t diss with ‘dis…haha I’m good…”
– elmoisfurry
“I’m gonna kill you, Dave”
– elmoisfurry
“I’m stupid, look at meee!”
– elmoisfurry
“you only have 20 shut ups”
– elmoisfurry
“go crazy”
– elmoisfurry