stimpyismyname: how many mike and ikes did u get
davepoobond: 1/2 pound worth
davepoobond: pry about 200
davepoobond: i’ll check the box
stimpyismyname: did u eat em all
davepoobond: it says about 19 x 6
davepoobond: so its a little less than a hundred
davepoobond: wtf u talkin bout
stimpyismyname: 19×6
davepoobond: fine then
davepoobond: a little OVER 100
davepoobond: happy
davepoobond: but there’s less than 100 now, cuz i ATE those over 100
stimpyismyname: 19
stimpyismyname: x
stimpyismyname: 6
davepoobond: so i’m right, yer wrong
davepoobond: it says “about 6 servings”
davepoobond: so it can be 6.2434297890 servings
davepoobond: and you wouldnt knowwwwwwwwwww
stimpyismyname: u wanted to know how many were in a 1/2 lb
davepoobond: no i didnt
stimpyismyname: stupid bleep