davepoobond: heh i just thought of something
davepoobond: i should make a porno where all the hot chicks aren’t the ones getting the action
davepoobond: but all these ugly chicks are
davepoobond: it’ll mess with their minds
Para: Yeah!
Para: Women would buy that.
Para: Normal women with no makeup and stuff getting all the hunks.
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: “if only”
davepoobond: or “i want to be her”
Para: Yeah.
davepoobond: then there’s a sudden surge in ugly women becoming porn actresses
Para: And give it an actual plot.
Para: Heh.
davepoobond: have an actual plot and then no one would buy it
davepoobond: cause it has too many things that aren’t appealing
Para: Actually no. Women like plots.
davepoobond: heh
Para: Women don’t like hardcore.
Para: We like softcore.
Para: That’s why romance novels sell.
Para: They are smut just like the movies.
Para: They just have a plot.
davepoobond: interesting
davepoobond: an untapped market
Para: Pretty much.