Para: ::jingles a baggy of teeth at him::
davepoobond: woowwee
Para: Heh
davepoobond: that was unexpected to see ya IM me
Para: Got my wisdom teeth removed.
Para: Heh
davepoobond: that’s funny
davepoobond: is your mouth all numb
Para: Nah, had em removed friday.
Para: Now I’m just in pain.
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: how many did you have?
Para: 4
davepoobond: i had 6
davepoobond: 4 on the top 2 on the bottom
davepoobond: stupid doctor made the joke saying i have extra wisdom
davepoobond: i wonder how many times a day those nurses have to hear that jackass say that same joke
Para: Lol, now that sucks.
Para: Mine were just huge.
Para: The bottom ones were twice as large as the top.
davepoobond: interesting
Para: Looks like you could have pulled em out of a small cow.
Para: Had to cut of part of my jaw bone to get one out.
davepoobond: ow
Para: It had pinched some bone.
Para: I have the jaw bone too.
Para: Did you keep yours?
davepoobond: i dont know
davepoobond: i dont think they let me keep them
davepoobond: or my mom didn’t want to
davepoobond: something like that
davepoobond: they said the 2nd set at the top just crumbled when they took them out
davepoobond: i think i actually lost them
Para: Actually they aren’t supposed to let you keep them.
Para: They are a biohazard.
davepoobond: then i probably don’t have them
Para: I’m persistant though.
davepoobond: or never did
Para: Plus they usually have to cut impacted ones up to get them out.
Para: So I have 2 teeth in 5 different pieces.
Para: But I can glue em back.
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: never know when you’ll need biohazard material, i guess
Para: Lol, they aren’t anymore.
Para: I washed em.
Para: I can understand why they would be.
davepoobond: people might eat them, they can’t take the chance
Para: It takes awhile to clean them, it would take them too long to clean them… so they would have to hand them to you bloody and with gum tissue hanging off.
Para: So I had a little gruesome bloody baggy off teeth for a bit.
Para: Creeped the hell out of my mom.
Para: I’m standing over the bathroom sink, about 4 hours after the surgery, a little dopey… and using a nail brush to scrap it all off.
Para: Which it didn’t work.
Para: So I had to boil them.
Para: She refused to come into the kitchen
davepoobond: ew
Para: Lol
Para: What, they are just teeth.
davepoobond: well you’re boiling them and scraping them
Para: Had to, rather do that then have rotten human flesh smell.
davepoobond: you could’ve always sucked it all off
Para: Can’t suck… can’t use a straw for a week.
davepoobond: meh
Para: Lol
Para: I don’t know why that seems to freak people out.
davepoobond: it doesn’t really
davepoobond: its just kind of nasty
Para: *shrugs*
Para: I had little options
davepoobond: the thought of seeing gum hanging off teeth dripping with blood
davepoobond: kind of unsettling