davepoobond: Welcome to the club, You Belong
davepoobond: where you can be who you want to be and do what you want to do
davepoobond: club K Swiss
Phoenix: club K Swiss?!?
davepoobond: of course!
davepoobond: a place where you can hang together, and stand apart
davepoobond: and do what you want to do, no limits
davepoobond: you belong.
davepoobond: =-O
davepoobond: it was on a book cover
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: all that i said
davepoobond: and the “of course!”
davepoobond: except that
Phoenix: weird…
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: damn polish company
davepoobond: ….or is it swiss