davepoobond: i finally updated squackle
Holmes: yay
Holmes: 😀
davepoobond: o ya
davepoobond: not much funny stuff actually i dont think
Holmes: heh
Holmes: hows it hangin
davepoobond: alright, u
Holmes: heheheh\
Holmes: …
davepoobond: i’m writing an essay on how TV impacts the family
davepoobond: on family interactions, and the effects of tv on children
davepoobond: whoopee
Holmes: sway
Holmes: ..
davepoobond: its kinda weird tho
Holmes: sway..that sounds col
Holmes: i made up a new word
davepoobond: actually
davepoobond: that was in Batman Beyond
Holmes: shut up
Holmes: anyways
davepoobond: TV pretty much corrupts the family, according to some of these articles i got
Holmes: lmao
davepoobond: it kinda makes sense i suppose
Holmes: “i watched too much of the simpsons, now i have a compulsive disorder to say d’oh!”
davepoobond: not exactly
davepoobond: there’s just a decrease in family communication
davepoobond: people dont talk as much
davepoobond: and people dont do as much together as a family
davepoobond: they use more of their time to watch tv, making less time for more usualy traditional family stuff
Holmes: ok
davepoobond: and it makes it seem less interesting than just staying at home, and a lot less effort
davepoobond: o ya
Holmes: jeeze
davepoobond: i’ll put this on squackle later tho
davepoobond: in s-up world
davepoobond: bleh, it kinda sucks how there’s not much interesting things to do on squackle actually
Holmes: well
davepoobond: do u think so too?
Holmes: when i feel like laughin i go there
Holmes: thats what it’s for, laughing
davepoobond: yeah…
davepoobond: but if you just go
davepoobond: and ur bored
davepoobond: and u dont really wanna read
davepoobond: then that’s when i dont know what the heck u would actually do there
Holmes: when i’m bored i’ll do anything to get unbored
Holmes: except read educational books or watch the cooking channel
davepoobond: well, i’m talking in a general sense
davepoobond: like if i went there just for the hell of it
davepoobond: there’s not much to actually do that’s interesting
davepoobond: o well =P
davepoobond: stupid blowthetoad didnt buy anything yet, that stupid bastard
davepoobond: from the shop
davepoobond: if he dont, no one will
Holmes: heh
Holmes: my bro is iming me from his other computer and rankin on me
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: stupid bastard
Holmes: yeah
Holmes: anyways
davepoobond: did u happen to catch today’s insallment of DBZ?
Holmes: no
Holmes: don’t watch it
davepoobond: bleh
Holmes: my manager from work, he’s cuban, wants me to help him with his spelling
Holmes: thats the only reason why i’m staying on, he just got aol
Holmes: and he said he’d be on at 11:30 but that bastard is late
davepoobond: lol
davepoobond: r u gettin extra money for it?
Holmes: there we go
davepoobond: or u doin it out of the goodness of ur heart
Holmes: AWILDA SAMO [11:38 PM]: is me yoel
Holmes [11:38 PM]: hey yoel it’s george
AWILDA SAMO [11:38 PM]: so you are there
Holmes: my bro is messin with him
Holmes: goodness of my heart
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: LMAO
Holmes: my bro said: “you fuckin flamer”
davepoobond: lol send me the IM
Holmes: Holmes [11:41 PM]: phil was talking to you
Holmes [11:41 PM]: what did he say?
AWILDA SAMO [11:42 PM]: he said if I like mans