Tag Archives: opera

Opera Song

I’m in an opera, it’s really grand. But members of chorus constently get canned. To be gone for good, to work no more. That’s the way we like it and we never get bored!

Chorus: Never get bored! Never get bored! That’s the way we like it, and we never get bored!

It’s all because of the opera managor she runs us crazy like were wild bores. She keeps us fat, but we have to stay in shape, I guess I can say I hate that dumb ape.

Chorus: We hate that dumb ape, we hate that dumb ape, I guess we can say we hate that dumb ape!

We work so hard but we never get a break. I can’t even have a brown or a slice of cake.

Chorus: Work so hard, work so hard, we can’t have a brownie or a peice of cake.

Should I stay to do the show or should ye go. I heard it was good show, but I play a hobo.

Chorus: Should we stay or should we go. Should we stay or should we go. Let’s go!