Tag Archives: Flammable Werks

Radial Pong (PC) Review

Developer: Flammable Werks

  Radial Pong (PC) (667.4 KiB, 1,273 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.


Imagine pong…but instead of going just up and down, you can move around in a circle and go into the center of the circle too. That is this game, Radial Pong.


The graphics aren’t special, but what more could you really want from a pong game? The cloud background beats the hell out of the original pong game in graphics (or should i say CRAPhics hyuck)


The music is good. The main menu song is kind of stupid, cause there’s supposed to be like DJ scratching sounds or something, but its in MIDI, so it sounds like crap.


The gameplay is a bit hard to get used to, but its pretty good, for what you do in this game.

Crappiest Part:

How you can’t get a screenshot of you losing or winning. I woulda put one here either way, but I couldn’t seem to get it for some reason.

Overall Score:

There’s nothing really bad about this game, but there isn’t that much that is good either. Its a good game though, for a Game Maker game. 7/10.

  Radial Pong (PC) (667.4 KiB, 1,273 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.

FW Pac-Man (PC) Review

Developer: Flammable Werks

  FW Pac-Man (642.9 KiB, 1,266 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.


This is a basic Pac-Man game, with better graphics than the original. It actually gets kinda hard later on in the game.


The graphics are alright. There’s nothing bad about them.


I think there’s only one song, and its the original Pac-Man song, but its like remade to sound a lot better, and there’s drums and junk…but its still a MIDI…and it is annoying to a degree.


The gameplay is smooth, and its not overly hard because the enemies move about the same speed as you.

Crappiest Part:

I had to pause for a while and think about this…ok i thought of something. There’s nothing to build on top of the original Pac-Man game.

Overall Score:

This game is a basic Pac-Man game, but it didn’t build anything on top of Pac-Man to make it go somewhere. But its a very nice Pac-Man game if you like to play Pac-Man.


  FW Pac-Man (642.9 KiB, 1,266 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.

Fort Defender (PC) Review

Developer: Flammable Werks

  Fort Defender (PC) (820.9 KiB, 1,173 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.


This is like a 4 way pong, with multiple balls.


You can tell the graphics are original (i think). The floor is pretty good looking though, and the title. Boy gotta love that title…and the loading screen…yaaa…


The music is pretty darn good, but gets kind of annoying when you keep losing, and there’s a happy tune….i can’t win this game arghh…!


The gameplay is simple, but can get kind of hard to control, even though there are only 2 controls…left and down. I can’t really describe what the problem is….if you play it you’ll see.

Crappiest Part:

Probably how i lose a lot. This game is kind of boring, there’s not much to it.

Overall Score:

bleh. I give it a:


  Fort Defender (PC) (820.9 KiB, 1,173 hits)

Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.