Submit to Squackle!

There’s a place for everything, even your mom, at

Wanna see something put up on Squackle? Submit it!

By submitting content, you consent to the right to use the content you submit. Works that are copyrighted will not be re-published unless you are the copyright holder. In which case, this form acts as the agreement by you to allow us to use the content on our site.

You can submit stuff more than one at a time, just please separate them.  If you are submitting long-format items (such as stories or articles), please submit them separately or make it very clear that they are separate pieces.  If you are looking to write on a more consistent basis, please let us know and we’ll get into contact with you.


    If the contact form does not work or appear above, you can e-mail me at  Sorry for the inconvenience.