stimpyismyname: could you do me a favor and find the sfx that plays when doug funni gets some from patty?
stimpyismyname: dudadudaleee waaaahhhhoooooweeeeeeeoooh
stimpyismyname: pleeeease
Holmes: what?
stimpyismyname: didnt you ever watch doug
stimpyismyname: on nickelodean
Holmes: yeah
stimpyismyname: you know when patty talks to doug that music plays
stimpyismyname: baaaooohwwahhhhoohh
stimpyismyname: you know what im talking about?
Holmes: somehwta
Holmes: but thats gonna be a bitch to find
stimpyismyname: well you dont have to..
Holmes: can’t find it anywhere
stimpyismyname: o well
Holmes: what should i look for?
Holmes: doug funnie download music?
stimpyismyname: i dont know
stimpyismyname: i guess its not that important
stimpyismyname: heh
stimpyismyname: dougandpatty.wav
stimpyismyname: search for that
Holmes: why don’t you just watch doug and get a microphone out, then when he;s about to meet patty, turn your micrphone on and record it?
stimpyismyname: never!
Holmes: uh ok
Holmes: then tell dave to do it
stimpyismyname copied and pasted the whole IM to davepoobond while he was away, basically telling him to look for it.