Developer: Not a Sock Games
Resilience (PC) (1.3 MiB, 1,229 hits)
Game by Not A Sock Games, made with Game Maker.
Ok….i’m not sure what you’re supposed to do, but you’re in a space ship, going around the solar system…and you have weapons that don’t destroy anything
The graphics are ok. you can tell the planets are the actual things…
The spaceship…sounds like what spaceship would probably sound like, but that’s why its probably better to play this game with the speakers off…
uhhhhhh i dont like it too much. sometimes i’m not sure if i’m going toward the planet or away from it.
Crappiest part:
How it takes so long to get to a planet, and once you do get there, you dont know what to do.
Overall Score:
i gave it a 7/10, because the stats kept me interested for 10 seconds.
Resilience (PC) (1.3 MiB, 1,229 hits)
Game by Not A Sock Games, made with Game Maker.