Developer: Flammable Werks
Radial Pong (PC) (667.4 KiB, 1,273 hits)
Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.
Imagine pong…but instead of going just up and down, you can move around in a circle and go into the center of the circle too. That is this game, Radial Pong.
The graphics aren’t special, but what more could you really want from a pong game? The cloud background beats the hell out of the original pong game in graphics (or should i say CRAPhics hyuck)
The music is good. The main menu song is kind of stupid, cause there’s supposed to be like DJ scratching sounds or something, but its in MIDI, so it sounds like crap.
The gameplay is a bit hard to get used to, but its pretty good, for what you do in this game.
Crappiest Part:
How you can’t get a screenshot of you losing or winning. I woulda put one here either way, but I couldn’t seem to get it for some reason.
Overall Score:
There’s nothing really bad about this game, but there isn’t that much that is good either. Its a good game though, for a Game Maker game. 7/10.
Radial Pong (PC) (667.4 KiB, 1,273 hits)
Game by Flammable Werks, made with Game Maker.
This game is pretty neat for being so old. The AI isn’t that great, even on Xtreme difficulty but its admirable anyway.