Find Your Retard Name

How to do it: Get your Dad’s last three letters of his first name, say it is Christopher, it would be ‘her’.

Now do the same with your mom’s. Say her name is jackie, it’d be ‘kie’. Put it together: herkie [her-kee].

Now, get your middle name’s last three letters, and your last name’s last FOUR letters. Say it is Greg and Harrison. It would be: regison!

Now…. put them all together, and what do you have? HERKIE REGISON!

If you want to show your retard name, leave a comment!

Squackle! Fans’ Retard Names:

Ricfer Iamsen (stimpyismyname)

Uisdes Ottocco (Holmes)

Rgeina Ohnrian (davepoobond)

Minsh Lasea

Ardlen Yreeney

Ertara Annaugh

Ottrol Aronnson

Artncy Nesuart

Sonnor Mesnson

Ndyndy Erthopk

Gerone Adrison

Ark Ami Ernssna

Ottsan Jamnson

Ertryl Ielbolt

Ickis Lancott

Aryudy Nnemann

Shaena Llegina

Ianois Naeskas

Ohnrah Ndyolan

Ertill Arkoway

Honary Rinrsky

Aldron Arepson

Aveane Mesicks

Tisina Ynnrill

Iamcie Sesdder

Ndyisa Annhart

Coblli Alderry

Essisa Layhson

Ikeila Hanhead

Aelesa Aulgnon

Illnie Ertward

Aveane Meskcs

Masfer Nneston

Mas-nna Ardagna

Vidawn Vidnter

Onytha Ottmith

Reyann Reyane

Aryina Fayhall (fail)

Eddern Annuler

Pamhon Stonlton

Ondary Tisbrien

Ertryl Onyllar (David Millar)

Tomsan Kercade

Aryhia Iamppas

Elleen Ephultz

Arkele Eleeman

Venren Itebert

Ertrie Iamelly

Rgerah Ohntzer

Matt Derrikson


Aldsan Nneson

Ahenie Orejian

Aldren Otthite

Acktte Meswards

Toilet Peebunch

Rryret Eneenes

Oorneh Verdian

Iamose Oseald

Printer Burner

Ottmeg Cobnson

Gerrie Ethrong

Vanica Itaomic

Ieltie Lleaity

Renine Berrove

Herfer Lesrick

Saklpy Llehian

Leomia Herillo

Enceice Venlin

Aldrly Mesders

Effndy Llynton

Teraye Leedlen


Iamyan Leslish

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